Sword of the Raven

Sword of the Raven - Diana Duncan OK... I found this book both compelling and easy to set down. How can that be? 1. It's so full of fantasy and paranormal, it fell a bit outside my comfort zone. And while the author kept my attention with Rowan and Delanie (and even what the deal is with Connor), she never quite explained the whole fantasy world - not in enough depth to help me overcome my internal objections and automatic disbelief.2. So much of the story seems pieced together - it "fits", and yet the whole doesn't make a complete picture. So many details (again, stuff like the hows and whys and whos of this "new world") are simply missing or info is given way too late. All the half-animal "Supes", Guardians, Enforcers, demons, sorcerers, sorceresses, elves, witches, Druids, gods, and goddesses. The whole mystery behind who Connor and Delaney really are and what they really are... the history with their real parents and her step-father... even Rowan's family and the thing with Paitton... all of these are barely fleshed out or seemingly thrown in at the last minute. There just aren't the connections necessary to fully engage the reader.While much is fun and empowering, much is sketchy and confusing. And is there to be a follow-up book? Can't even seem to find that info on the author's web site, where I looked out of curiosity. She certainly left the door open to at least a sequel, if not a full-blown series.Glad I picked up the book for a little bit of nothing. While it was an interesting and somewhat fun read, it was more confusing and unsatisfying than a good read.